NATO PA 2010 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly LR Saeimas mājas lapa
Border guards have been conducting checks on internal borders for six days (29.05.2010) Print

For the sixth day, the border guards have been conducting security checks of persons entering Latvia on highways crossing the internal borders or arriving at the Port of Riga and at Riga International Airport. Checks regarding the observance of the regime in border areas with Lithuania and Estonia have been intensified.

During the last 24 hours the border guards have checked 17, 046 persons entering Latvia. About 12,693 persons have been checked on the highways, and 4,353 persons at Riga International Airport and the Port of Riga. Among the checked persons, 1,296 persons were third-country nationals. A total of 5,205 cars have also been checked.

Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Mr. Aivis Ronis NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Political Committee (29.05.2010.) Print

Honourable Members of Parliaments,
Distinguished guests,

First of all let me warmly welcome all of you to Latvia. I am honoured to be present at the meeting of Political Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, especially here in Riga. We are proud to host an event which gathers Members of Parliaments from all of the transatlantic area.

We meet in a year, when Allies are contemplating a future vision of NATO for the next decade. This process is taking place in the background of changing and unpredictable security environment. I agree to the Chair of the Group of Experts on the new NATO Strategic Concept, the Honorable Madeleine Albright who has stressed, that “between now and 2020, the Alliance will face a new generation of dangers from sources that are geographically and technologically diverse”. Events of the past years have testified that our vulnerabilities go beyond traditional threats and challenges. I would like to name one issue in particular, and it is economy. Due to the current situation in global economy financial constraints put additional pressure on many countries, and influence decision makers.

Press briefing by the NATO PA Print

28 May 2010 Video recording of the NATO PA Press Briefing

NATO Parliamentary Assembly kicks off in Riga amid diverse security concerns (28.05.2010) Print

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s spring session was launched Friday in Riga, for five days of debate on the changing issues facing the Alliance. 
The discussions between over 320 delegates from 41 countries were expected to be frank, at a time when the Alliance itself is reviewing its Strategic Concept better to face current and future security challenges.
The various committees will be drafting reports and recommendations to submit to NATO on topics ranging from operations in Afghanistan, maritime security, WMD proliferation, concerns about the global economy and environment, to the Alliance ’s renewed relationship with Russia, among others.

NATO Parliamentary Assembly: Nuclear Deterrents “will remain” (28.05.2010) Print

Nuclear deterrence “will obviously be an important component of the new Strategic Concept,” according to Assembly Vice-President Sven Mikser (Estonia) just before the opening of the Assembly’s spring session in Riga. 

The Assembly took note of US President Barack Obama’s 2009 call for a nuclear-free world, Mikser said.  There was also “lively debate” among European NATO members regarding the ongoing presence of US nuclear weapons on European soil.

“But in our Assembly, it is quite clear and seems to be a widely shared opinion that nuclear deterrence will remain an important part of the overall NATO deterrent for the time being,” he said. There needs to be “an adequate balance between nuclear and non-nuclear deterrent capabilities”.

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