Mr. Gundars Daudze, Speaker of the Saeima, discusses with the French Ambassador preparations for the NATO PA Riga Session (12.05.2010) |
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Both parties shared the opinion that parliamentary cooperation plays a large part in political relations of the two countries. Ms. Chantal Poiret praised the contribution of the Saeima in organising the Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, which will take place on 28 May – 1 June in Riga. The Ambassador also reported that 11 parliamentarians from both chambers of the French parliament will attend the Session in Riga, and she expressed her conviction that the NATO PA Session will have a positive impact on interparliamentary relations between both countries. During the meeting, ways of intensifying contacts between entrepreneurs and municipalities were discussed. The Speaker of the Saeima characterised the relations between Latvia and France as excellent with great potential for continued development: „I am convinced, Madame Ambassador, that during your term of office the positive developmental dynamics in the relations between our countries will continue,” declared Mr. Gundars Daudze.