NATO PA 2010 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly LR Saeimas mājas lapa
Press releases
A flowerbed in Jēkaba Square: A present to Riga’s inhabitants from the NATO PA Riga Session (25.05.2010) Print

During the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s (PA) Riga Session, a flowerbed depicting the logo of the NATO PA Riga Session will be planted in Jēkaba Square near the Saeima building. It will be a symbolic present to the inhabitants of Riga and a remainder of the meeting of NATO parliamentarians which will have taken place in Riga.

On 31 May 2010 at 12:30 the flowerbed will be solemnly dedicated by Mr. Gundars Daudze, Chairman of the Saeima, and Mr. John Tanner, President of the NATO PA. The orchestra of the National Armed Forces Headquarters will play during the ceremony, and the attendees will be able to enjoy the defile of the Honour Guard of the Staff Battalion of the National Armed Forces.

It is planned that the flowerbed will occupy 140 square metres and will contain about 6,000 plants. The creators of the concept point out that the flowerbed will be arranged in the form of a stylised compass, which in NATO’s logo symbolises the member states’ common road towards peace.

Border guards conduct security checks on internal borders (25.05.2010) Print

During the last 24 hours, more than 14,000 persons entering Latvia from Schengen Area countries have undergone security checks (about 12,000 persons have been checked on the highways, as well as 2000 persons at Riga International Airport and the Port of Riga); approximately 4000 cars have also been checked.

About 10% of the checked persons are third-country nationals.

Border guards have refused entrance to Latvia to 34 persons, mostly to Lithuanian and Estonian nationals who could not produce a valid travel document, a driver’s licence, or a vehicle registration certificate.

No queues have formed at the internal borders of Latvia (24.05.2010) Print

At 9:00 this morning temporary border control was reimposed on the borders of Latvia with Schengen Area countries. Border guards carry out minimal security checks of all people entering Latvia.

No cars have lined up in queues to enter Latvia from Estonia or Lithuania.

Officers of the immigration units of the State Border Guard have intensified monitoring of the areas close to Latvian borders with Estonia and Lithuania.

Members of the Saeima and U.S. Military Academy cadets discuss the upcoming NATO PA Session (24.05.2010) Print

On Monday, 24 May, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee and European Affairs Committee of the Saeima and cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point met to discuss how Latvia’s national interests are represented in the European Union and NATO.

When reporting on Latvia’s involvement in the work of international organisations, Mrs. Vaira Paegle, Chairperson of the European Affairs Committee and Head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO PA, stressed that currently the focus is on NATO-related subjects because the Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly will begin in Riga on May 28. In order to jointly discuss the future of the Alliance and new global security threats, hundreds of parliamentarians from NATO member states and associate countries will convene in Riga.

NATO PA guests will be informed about Latvia’s history (24.05.2010) Print

During the Riga Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, foreign guests will receive special gifts which in various ways will reflect our county’s history.

“Delegates to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly will stay in Riga for only five days, and we wish during this short time to acquaint them with at least a small part of our history,” reports Mrs. Vaira Paegle, Head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO PA. “This year we celebrated the 20th anniversary since the Declaration on the Renewal of Latvia’s Independence was promulgated, and we plan to present our guests with symbolic gifts which tell about 4 May 1990, a date that is very significant for Latvia,” continues Mrs. Paegle.

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